


The summer is flying by and the boys are really on the move.  Maceo can pretty much run in the walker and I have to put the brakes on it often.  They also have a round table with multiple activities that has an attached chair with wheels, which allows them to walk around the table to partake in all the table has to offer.  This toy is great except for when one of them is in the  other walker chasing the kitty, free to go wherever and the other can only go around and around.
The boys are both on the verge of crawling, getting up on all fours and rocking.  At this point, they get really frustrated because they always go backwards rather than forward.  They have pretty much figured out how to sit up by themselves and tend to roll over or scoot on their bellies to get to something.  All this moving around frightens me a little, because I know some accidents are just around the corner.  I feel like we will have to do extra extra babyproofing with two of them on the move.  It drives Daddy crazy, but my heart skips a beat every time I hear any thud or bang.  I always assume it is one of the boys. 
Last week Enzo spouted out multiple syllables, shouting out "bababababa" for well over an hour.  Then this week, Maceo started his multiple syllables with "mamamamama".  As Mommy and a student of linguistics I could not be more pleased with both of their language capabilities. However, hearing "mamamama" melts my heart.  Last night at bedtime, I had put Enzo to sleep and Daddy had Mace, while I cleaned up the kitchen.  Maceo spotted me and began yelling "mamamama" and reaching out his arms for me.  I had to stop with the clean-up and take over.  It is so exciting to hear that and I'm sure it won't be long before they are yelling out "dada".  Some of the other noises that we hear recently are growling from Enzo, and Maceo grunts and yells at the dogs (probably since he hears Mommy tell the dogs to go back to their room several times a day). 
It's awesome to see the boys interact.  When they see each other for the first time every morning they smile and start making noises at each other.  Then there is usually a wrestling match in our bed.  They definitely have different personalities.  Maceo is very wild, passionate (quick tempered), and picks on Enzo a little.  Enzo is very lovey, laid back, and takes Maceo's picking.  I am constantly trying to get Maceo to leave Enzo alone and stop him from eating his hands and squeezing his face.  When he does it, he looks at me and smiles a little devilish grin.  I should have expected this behavior since at almost every ultrasound the tech couldn't get measurements for "baby B" (Maceo) since he was moving so much and I had constant kicking under my right rib.  I think this is why Enzo was ready to get out. 
As many of you know, it took Daddy a little while to come to terms with having 2 at once.  I reminded him of this the other day and asked how he felt now...His response was "I love it and wouldn't have it any other way".  It might be more work but we are truly lucky!

Enzo "Cool Breeze"

Cooling off in the wading pool

Maceo & Enzo

Watching Yo Gabba Gabba w/Aunt Alli

winding down for bedtime



Watchin his back

Handsome Mr. Mace

Hammin it up for the camera

Enzo sitting up

Enzo's Funny Face

Mace & Enzo

Maceo startled & Enzo growling

Maceo displeased with the grass

Enzo feels the same

Mace says "Uggh, it's hot!"

Watching TV together

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